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This file holds the position of all channels in the System Menu.

Here are some basic C structs for the file. (by SquidMan)

typedef struct
	u8 channel_type;		// 03 for normal channels, 01 for disk channel, 00 for no channel
	u8 secondary_type;		// 00 for normal channels; 01 for disk channel, Mii Channel, Shop Channel and Photo Channel
	u8 unknown[4];			// Unknown. All my titles have these set to 00.
	u16 flags;			// Probably flags. All titles except disk use 000e, and disk uses 000f.
	u64 title_id;			// Title ID.
} iplsave_entry;

typedef struct
	char magic[4];			// The magic! It is always "RIPL"
	u32 filesize;			// The size of iplsave.bin. As of now, is always 0x00000340
	u8 unknown[8];			// Unknown. Seems to always be 0x0000000200000000. Maybe a version string + padding?
	iplsave_entry channels[0x30];	// Channels, listed in order of position in Wii Menu
	u8 unknown2[0x20];		// Unknown. Some may be padding.
	u8 md5_sum[0x10];		// MD5 sum of the rest of the file
} iplsave;