BootMii Configuration Editor/FAQs

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How do I stop BootMii from showing on startup of the wii?

  • Set the boot delay to '0' and the BootMii screen will not show when the Wii starts up.
  • There is a bug reported in the most recent beta of BootMii which causes a boot delay of 0 to not function as expected.
  • You can use the switch functionality in v2.5 to disable BootMii from starting up.
  • Alternatively, you could download the latest mini binary for bootmii and replace the version on your SD card with the downloaded file.

Why does my homebrew channel icon change colour?

  • The icon changes colour to represent the status of the bootmii directory.
  • Green = BootMii Active (directory is name /bootmii).
  • Red = BootMii Inactive (bootmii directory renamed to /~bootmii)
  • Yellow = Bootmii switch mode - both /bootmii and /~bootmii exist on the SD.

How can I change the interface language

  • Press the 'HOME' button on the wiimote to open the settings dialog. The language is the first setting. Push left/right to change it and when you've found the language you require, move to the 3rd option on the screen (the one with an empty line above it). Press A on this, and the language will be changed.

How do I Add a new Language or Skin

Creating a new translation

To add a new translation/language perform the following steps which use French(fr) as an example

  • Open the BCE_MESSAGES.XML file in an editor
  • Add a new language/code to the available langauges section near the top of the file
(e.g. to add french add the following line:
<language description="Francais" code="fr" /> 
to the available section, for example:
  <language description="English" code="en" /> 
  <language description="Espanol" code="es" /> 
  <language description="Francais" code="fr" /> 
  • For every <entry, add in the french translation using an attribute named the same as the value specified in the code for the langauge (e.g. fr) for example
<entry code="mm1" en="Video:" es="Modo de Video:" fr="Mode visuel:"/>
  • Ensure the XML file validates and that you've added a language string for EVERY entry.
  • Copy/Save to SD card and test. If the application errors with a stack dump, then there will be a problem in the XML, either it's invalid, or you've missed one of the entry elements usually

Creating a new Skin

  • Open the BCE_SKINS.XML file in an editor
  • Find the <skins element and within this, select and duplicate a skindetail
 <skindetail id="custom1" name="My Custom Skin"
 consolebgcolor="14" consoletextcolor="17" mainbgcolor="7"
 maintextcolor="0" maintextcolor2="10" maintitlecolor="11"
 maintitlelinecolor="0" mainselectedIndicatorcolor="11"
 mainselectedOptioncolor="15" mainshadow="0" maildecl="7" dialogbgcolor="10"
 dialogtextcolor="17" dialogtextcolor2="17" dialogtitlecolor="17"
 dialogtitlelinecolor="7" dialogselectedIndicatorcolor="11"
 dialogselectedOptioncolor="13" dialogshadow="0" dialogdecl="10" />
  • Change the id and name. The id must be unique through all the skins.
  • Modify the numbers for the colours. The following colours/numbers are available to use:
    • 0 - BLACK
    • 1 - DARK_RED
    • 2 - DARK_GREEN
    • 3 - DARK_YELLOW
    • 4 - DARK_BLUE
    • 5 - DARK_MAGENTA
    • 6 - DARK_CYAN
    • 7 - GRAY
    • 10 - DARK_GRAY
    • 11 - RED
    • 12 - GREEN
    • 13 - YELLOW
    • 14 - BLUE
    • 15 - MAGENTA
    • 16 - CYAN
    • 17 - WHITE
  • There are 3 main parts to the skin settings
    • consolebgcolor/consoletextcolor
Background colour of the whole screen and default font colour (currently not used)
    • mainxxxxxx
mainbgcolor - Background colour of the main 'window'
maintextcolor - Colour of text in the main 'window'
maintextcolor2 - Colour of secondary text in the main 'window'
maintitlecolor - Colour of window title text
maintitlelinecolor - Colour of the line in the window title
mainselectedIndicatorcolor - Colour of the indicator '->' which shows which item you are on
mainselectedOptioncolor - Color of the text of selected item when you select it
mainshadow - shadow colour of the 'window'
maindecl - Colour of the 'window' edge characters (Pipe | and Minus - ) that indicate the window edge. These are used on the monochrome/green screen skins.
    • dialogxxxxxx
Same as the main settings, but for secondary windows, e.g. the settings dialog.