Castles of Dr. Creep

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Castles of Dr. Creep
Ported bysegra
TypePlatform game

Castles of Dr. Creep is a 1984 Commodore 64 game written by Ed Hobbs and published by Broderbund Software.

This project is an open source rewrite, allowing you to play the game using an image (D64) of the original disk. Additionally, a Castle Builder has been added allowing the player to modify existing castles, or build new ones from scratch. Presently it can compile and play on both Windows, Nintendo Wii, and Linux (Ubuntu specifically has been tested).

A WAD version is available here



V1.1 (11/12/2012)

  • Fix three bugs (Sprite collisions, picking up of key issue, X coordinate issue if overflowed from a byte)
  • Fix the channel banner

V1.0 (11/12/2012)

  • Fix the last known graphic bug
  • Heard from the original game author - Ed Hobbs

SVN-351 (11/07/2010)

  • Fix sprite collision bug, Fix another object collision issue
  • Fix the game speed, making it run at the original PAL speed.
  • Adds the ability to edit text in Builder

SVN-345 (11/05/2010)

  • All objects can now be placed and linked.
  • The map screen can be edited with the door positions being adjustable.

SVN-338 (11/04/2010)

  • A Castle Builder is now included, with the hotkey information available in the readme. While this feature exists in the Wii version, at present it is unusable due to a lack of controls.

SVN-270 (07/15/2010)

  • Wii WAD/Dol Version now available! (sound is buggy)
  • Options Menu is now implemented

SVN-219 (05/12/2010)

  • Sound and performance have also been improved, along with some minor bug fixes.

SVN-168 (05/05/2010)

  • Highscores
  • Game Play Timer
  • Save Game/Load Game (uses D64s, supports original savegames)
  • Sound Effects/Introduction Music

SVN-125 (02/11/2010)

  • This is the first public release, the game is completable with minor issues occasionally causing lockups.