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LuaFWii is a LuaPlayer (Lua Interpreter) for Wii, which loads and executes lua files. It is based on Lua 5.1.4, but add features to make it compatible with graphics libraries, sound libraries, etc ... of the wii sdk. Has been created from the Wii-SDL library, with minor modifications.

Update History


Load and Play WAV Colors in RGB and RGBA Color function Error down a bit because it comes from a TV screen

SB Edition 0.96

It adds many new features Controls Change the function of print (though hardly noticeable) Added "emergency system" pa crasheo not if you remove the splash (or change to something else) instead get the homebrew channel Other improvements in the code

SB Edition 0.95

Changing the file system browser Printf function is added (without having to choose font, use the default error.ttf) Delay function is added (as waitVBlankStart on PSP) Slash is added SceneBeta Script is added by default browser


Bugs are arranged to play ogg and mp3 It incorporates "emergency system" to keep crasheo if the source is not error.ttf


I've ported to SDL and this entails the following improvements It supports all image formats SDL, in addition to the transparency in PNG It supports all audio formats for SDL, although this advantage is more than an inconvenience as it is very bad reading mp3 and ogg (I'll see how to fix this) Many more are supported geometric figures The text is by sources (such as inconvenience, you can not use printf or fprintf, or sprintf, or any of those XD) Moreover tambiene improved the way in which loads modules (sound, screen, controls and system) to go more quickie XD

Version Without SDL


Management functions are added to files and folders (missing some that will be added) you can see in the paragraph system txt


Held detection are added (hold) and release (drop) a wiimote and nunchuck support is added (not including txt) and support more than 1 wiimote (you can put the number of wiimote (0, 1, 2 or 3) or all at once (-1))


Wiimote support added to the functions and txt

Version MOD


It bugfixes It changes the structure of the program Source: You must be logged in to view this link.


The added burden of Images and Image Capture It adds several features to listen, pause, stop, etc ... ogg and mp3 files


We add features for writing and drawing


It improves the code to reduce errors and increase speed


Initial Release


Created by the_marioga, thanks to mdbrim, and all other people, for help me with this project