Template:Userbox code

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{{{1}}} This user codes in {{{1}}}.

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Parameters and Examples

{{Userbox code}}
Parameter Description Example Preview
{{{icon}}} For specifying an icon (if available). {{Userbox code|icon=C++}}
C++.png This user codes in {{{1}}}.
{{{1}}} For specifying what you code in. {{Userbox code|C++}}
C++ This user codes in C++.

Pre-defined Languages

The following languages are recognized by this template. If your language is not listed here, please leave a message on the talk page or add it yourself. The languages listed here are only for convenience; you may specify another language (eg: C/C++) without needing it added to the template.

  • Asm: Assembly
  • ASP: Active Server Pages
  • Bas: BASIC
  • Bat: Batch
  • Bf: Brainfuck
  • C#: C Sharp
  • Eu: Euphoria
  • ObjC: Objective-C
  • Py: Python
  • Pl: Perl
  • LSL: Linden Scripting Language
  • JS: JavaScript
  • Java: Java
  • Pas: Pascal
  • PHP: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Sh: Bourne shell
  • VB: Visual Basic
  • VBx: Visual Basic .NET
  • VBS: Visual Basic Script
  • LUA: Lua
  • HEX: Hexadecimal Editor (Re-Coder)