User:Hunterm/Other Wii Stuff

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Just some toys I've made.

Wiiload Script

Since I'm a heavy shell-script user, and I love wiiload, of course I've made some little toys to combine them. To use these anytime anywhere, put them in your .bash/zsh/whatever/rc.

Here's one to set the Wii IP address:

function setwii {
    read -e -p "Wii IP?: " ip
    export WIILOAD="tcp:${ip}"

Here's another one to run wiiload and set the IP:

function wiiload {
    read -e -p "Wii IP?: " ip
    export WIILOAD="tcp:${ip}"
    wiiload $@ # send any arguements given to wiiload.
    # ./wiiload (if you don't have the wiiload executable in your $PATH)