
From WiiBrew
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Germany.png This user lives in Germany.

de This user is a native speaker of German.
Wii This user is running System Menu 4.2 on his Wii.
Userbox homebrew channel.png This user has installed the Homebrew Channel version 1.0.8 on his Wii.

BootMii This user has installed BootMii on his Wii.
Bomb icon.png
This user used Bannerbomb to install homebrew.
Homebrew Browser This user uses the Homebrew Browser to download and update his homebrew.
WiiMC This user uses WiiMC to play media on his Wii.

1 Wii Remote This user owns 1 Wii Remote.
Nunchuck alternative.svg This user owns 1 Nunchuk.
ClassicController.svg This user owns 1 Classic Controller.
Wi-Fi This user uses Wi-Fi.
SD Card This user owns a 2GB SD card.

Hi Leute, Ich heiße Maurice, anderen kennen mich unter den Namen Putinas123. Ich lebe ich Deuschland. Ich mag Videospiele, Musik und Fehrnsehen :D. Desweiteren erstelle ich gerne kleine Graphiken insbesondere für den HBC und für Crazy Intro. Wenn jemand etwas braucht oder möchte soll er/sie mich doch einfach anschreiben! Ich mache sowas gerne :)

Theme Collection


Black and White Theme for HBC

Dark Style + Stars.png

Nice Black Theme wiht Stars


Colours Theme for HBC


Wooden Theme for HBC