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TypePC utility

What's New?

  • Improved Compression Ratio
  • Removed the graphic convertor
  • The GUI is gone!

Why? - This enables us to focus on the primary function of d0lLZ, which is to compress NGC DOL files. It also enables us to keep the Linux version in line with Win32. Before all of you "non-commdos" break out the tissues, don't fret, we've included a batch file for converting more then one DOL file at a time!


  • Compress DOL files
  • Viper Fix DOL Files
  • DriveSAVE (turn DVD motor off)
  • Fix Older DOL files
  • Batch Conversion


d0lLZ 3.0 is the third generation of our Gamecube Executable compressor. This program will create compressed dols for the GameCube which can in turn be run as a normal DOL as the file will decompress itself transparently in real-time with no extra work for the end user required. In turn this ends up saving much needed disc space as the average 7 megabyte DOL will be almost compressed into half of it's original size.

The DOL itself needs to be relocated to do this and by doing so those nasty "Hi-Mem" DOLS that used to not load on the Viper GC like SDloader now will work flawlessly.


Run the executable from the Command Line Interface (CLI) with the name of the input DOL file, output DOL file and if needed any of the optional switches. You can opt to run the "multi.cmd", but make sure all of the DOL files you wish to convert are in the current folder/directory. Also, you may edit this file and add any optional switches to the end of the command string.

Example ->   "dollz3.exe tetris.dol tetris-dl3.dol"
Example ->   "dollz3.exe mario2.dol mario2-dl3.dol -v"
Example ->   "dollz3.exe xrick.dol xrick-dl3.dol -v -m -p"


 -v      Add Viper style DVD booting  
           It should be noted that this also seems to solve some issues for
           memcard and SDCard users too
 -m      Do NOT switch the motor off.  
           By default, dols will stop the dvd motor before unpacking.
 -p      Pad Stack  
           This is here for those very early dols, like xrick for example.
           The early dols did not retain or clear their own BSS area.
           By requesting PadStack, you reserve 128k space after the dol.

Compression Statistics

The following table shows the typical compression ratios achieved with each revision of d0lLZ on the same test.

Uncompressed d0lLZ 0.1 d0lLZ 2.0 d0lLZ 3.0
2503680 1589467 1411541 1101184
587520 404125 369167 279168
7263112 2653701 2653445 2426304
433000 168093 167652 126528
10787312 4815386 (44.6%) 4601805 (42.7%) 3933184 (36.5%)

Network DOL loaders

d0lLZ 3.0 relocation strategy has been expanded to an upper limit of 81300000. Any dol which would normally load higher is relocated to a more loader friendly 80003100.


  • Coding - softdev
  • Testing - luciddream / mithos / softdev